Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Russet&Empire + Phillipa C Present the LOVE BOOTH

LOVE BOOTH: Get your postal codes ready!

Remember last year's Junction Design Crawl?
This year come prepared with your crush's mailing address, here's why: We are teaming up with Phillipa C Photography again for another photo booth with a twist! This Friday night get pretty and come to the Junction and have your photo taken in the LOVE BOOTH<3 <3 <3
It's going to look like this test shot, but with pretty Victorian decorations by Leah Fay Goldstein.  Once your portrait is taken, we will give you a numbered envelope that you will take to the letter writing station (ooooh) fill out the envelope with your lovey's address and a love letter if you chose.Phillipa C of  Postmistress fame will develop your portrait and mail it off with your letter. Could it possibly get more romantic? See you all Friday at theDesign Crawl!


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